Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Celtic Triplicities

Today we'll learn more about the Celtic Cosmos. As Laurie Rowan Erynn stated in her article, the Celts did not use the Greek's four elements but instead went by 3's and the multiple of 3. Their cosmology was no different.

Sky (nem; The Otherworld) the Upper Realm
Land (talem; this world) the Middle Realm
Sea (muir; The Underworld) the Lower Realm

   Celtic cosmology consists of the Three Realms. These realms are ever present and are the physical and cosmological model of the world the ancient Celts inhabited. They are kingdoms in and of themselves and exist within the same space in the universe; they overlap and flow into each other; yet at the same time they are separate and distinct places. Each of the realms has certain attributes that denote their particular area of influence or primal states of existence; the Realm of Sky deals with the spiritual, Land with the physical, and Sea with the mental and emotional.
   All of these are inhabited by different beings. The Sky, which is related to Fire, is where our deities are believed to dwell and represents our future and all that we desire to become. These are the gods of culture, light/environment, order, permanence, purity and the skills. (The Tuatha De Danaan). It is through their power that the destrive powers and chaos are kept in check. The Sea, Which is, which is the realm of the watery Underworld and a place where ancestors and the forces of chaos exist, is associated with chaos, decay, fertility and the forces of life and death through with comes renewal and rebirth (the Fomori). Between these is Land, where humans belong, sharing this realm with other creatures and "spirits".
   Acnestors swore their oaths by the Three Realms, and acknowleding and connecting them at the beginning of a Celtic ritual is a way to center yourself before beginning maical work. Through ritual we seek to bridge the realms and believe that we can walk among the ancestors and converse with the Gods. The Three Realms form the center of our ritual, for they embody all the attributes of where we are, where we have been and where we are going. They exist inside of each of us; we are refelctions of the world around us and those worlds that exist above and below. We bring these realms into our ritual practice because we want to remember that like the Three Realms, which combine to make the whole of existence, we as individuals are also composed of three distinct parts - the mental, physical, and spiritual. When we are able to unite all three aspects of ourselves into one being, we will be closer to nature and the creative forces of the universe.

The Realm of the Sea (the Underworld)
   This is the realm of the Ancestors and the Fomorians. Here the cycle of life, death and rebirth is granted. This is the relam of the past. here we find the constant ebb and flow of the tides that rule the emotions and the mental processes of humankind. Deep within this realm exists the sacred well of wisdom, from which the seven seas flow. These senses instruct and aid humankind. The Realm of the Sea is the dwelling place of the ancestors and is the home of the God Manannan Mac Lir, whose cloak of mist and gof acts as a great well that separates the three realms.
   The Ancestors are important because they are the keepers of the knowledge of the old ways. They are responsible for who we are and what we will someday become. We see their knowledge and wisdom. They have lived and learned and crossed the veil, and they have much wisdom and guidance to share with us. They are us and we are them, the communication between the present and the past is vital to our future and out path.

The Realm of the Land (Our world/the Middle world)
   The Green World or the realm of the Physical. Here upon the land dwell the creatures of nature and the beings and Gods and Goddesses who are responsible for fertility of the Land. We share this realm with these beings and here the web of life exists in its most intricate weave. The five sacred directions are found in this realm and from them we receive many gifts and lessons that aid us along hte path oflife. The Realm of Land is the sacred center of the three worlds; the other two realms of the Sea and Sky join within the realm of land at each shore and horizon. This is the relm where humankind live our their countless lives; this is the realm of the present.

The Realm of the sky (the Otherworld)
   The future; the realm of the spiritual. Here exists the realization of our goals and dreams. The Realm of the sky is all that we aspire to become .Within the shifting landscape of clouds and shimmering stars dwell the Gods and Goddesses who are responsible for the weather, the Sun, the Moon and the Winds. This realm is known as the "Great Plain" and within this realm there are countless smaller plains, each responsible for a different aspect of spiritual being. The ancients looked to this realm to help them reckon the proper times to plant and harvest; they watched the heavenly bodies and celebrated as the sun and moon grew in strength and prayed for the retun of the light and warmth when the sun seemed to be weakening. The realm of the sky is responsible for granting what are termed "spiritual wonders" for the inspiration and creativity are transferred to man by the sacred flame.


Unknown said...

As in times before ours there were a race of people from Atlantis. They did not used their knowledge that took them from a once flourishing planet such as Earth used to be. With greed, lust of power, slowly they plagued their blue skies, oceans rivers and destroyed their field that protected their planet's atmosphere. by wars of destruction. A material race that threatened to destroy the planets core. This was the reason why they lost their orbit and atmosphere. They shared almost the same orbit as our Earth. They had to leave and used machines to represent what the Earth people had. This was when man was connected to the All and the universe. They created a machine that could bring their vibrational levels to ours planet's ELF(energy, low frequency. They open the door and came here. They felt that they were more mechanical advanced. They felt they would just take over. However, we were more spiritually advanced and protected. A hundred thousand years later they felt they would use this technology to change things for the few. It backfired because they did not understand that each planet's reality had and realm its own frequency because there is no such thing as solidity but all thing are in a constant state of vibration. They sliced the lower belly open. In a sense the bowels is the lower intestine. Being from lower dimensions came here with no bodies. This sunk Atlantis and the people that escaped were named Celtic by the ancient Greek, meaning center. This is where the Greek mythologies of the war of gods and man came from. The Male minded gods were the Aliens that set out to enslave us. History has lied to us in the Biblical sense. This is why before they came women ruled . As in ancient times. These doors are about to be open again and the ones that protected us are seen as alien ships. To add there are other aliens that are not as us. They have took every form of rule away and corporatized it. There are no more governments bot only corporations that even the golf of Mexico oil spill where 11 lives lost and 210 million gallons of oil destroyed the light blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico. All the money they lost and are being sued for is only good business. The line that caused all that destruction is live and pumping out oil. It is a win, win, the fines are a part of good business. These half breeds humans, and the destructive aliens themselves are in control. They trade ancient knowledge that was ours to us and we do as they say. The law of greed poisons the mind. They do not care when something goes wrong. They do not think of tomorrow. When the Native Americans had this land you could drink from any river. Look what they have done. As the movie they live is so close to the truth that they pulled it from the theatres by two weeks and it was in high demand. Schumann Resonance are a electromagnetic field that is connected all around the world. This is what Nikola Tesla wanted to connect for the world to have an abundant source of energy without destruct that ran on Earth's Energy Low Frequency (ELF,: They have taken this knowledge and have excited the low frequency of life and are trying to open space wrap before we even know how to terraform Earth back to normal. They need to slow down and the wealthy should not except so much from 1 idea. Maybe product would be better if you paid a livable wage. People do not care because they feel unappreciated! The bloodlines that have been set in power a 1000 years to two thousand years ago believe they will find another place before the total destruction of Earth. TO SERVE MAN IS A COOK BOOK!

Unknown said...

As in times before ours there were a race of people from Atlantis. They did not used their knowledge that took them from a once flourishing planet such as Earth used to be. With greed, lust of power, slowly they plagued their blue skies, oceans rivers and destroyed their field that protected their planet's atmosphere. by wars of destruction. A material race that threatened to destroy the planets core. This was the reason why they lost their orbit and atmosphere. They shared almost the same orbit as our Earth. They had to leave and used machines to represent what the Earth people had. This was when man was connected to the All and the universe. They created a machine that could bring their vibrational levels to ours planet's ELF(energy, low frequency. They open the door and came here. They felt that they were more mechanical advanced. They felt they would just take over. However, we were more spiritually advanced and protected. A hundred thousand years later they felt they would use this technology to change things for the few. It backfired because they did not understand that each planet's reality had and realm its own frequency because there is no such thing as solidity but all thing are in a constant state of vibration. They sliced the lower belly open. In a sense the bowels is the lower intestine. Being from lower dimensions came here with no bodies. This sunk Atlantis and the people that escaped were named Celtic by the ancient Greek, meaning center. This is where the Greek mythologies of the war of gods and man came from. The Male minded gods were the Aliens that set out to enslave us. History has lied to us in the Biblical sense. This is why before they came women ruled . As in ancient times. These doors are about to be open again and the ones that protected us are seen as alien ships. To add there are other aliens that are not as us. They have took every form of rule away and corporatized it. There are no more governments bot only corporations that even the golf of Mexico oil spill where 11 lives lost and 210 million gallons of oil destroyed the light blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico. All the money they lost and are being sued for is only good business. The line that caused all that destruction is live and pumping out oil. It is a win, win, the fines are a part of good business. These half breeds humans, and the destructive aliens themselves are in control. They trade ancient knowledge that was ours to us and we do as they say. The law of greed poisons the mind. They do not care when something goes wrong. They do not think of tomorrow. When the Native Americans had this land you could drink from any river. Look what they have done. As the movie they live is so close to the truth that they pulled it from the theatres by two weeks and it was in high demand. Schumann Resonance are a electromagnetic field that is connected all around the world. This is what Nikola Tesla wanted to connect for the world to have an abundant source of energy without destruct that ran on Earth's Energy Low Frequency (ELF,: They have taken this knowledge and have excited the low frequency of life and are trying to open space wrap before we even know how to terraform Earth back to normal. They need to slow down and the wealthy should not except so much from 1 idea. Maybe product would be better if you paid a livable wage. People do not care because they feel unappreciated! The bloodlines that have been set in power a 1000 years to two thousand years ago believe they will find another place before the total destruction of Earth. TO SERVE MAN IS A COOK BOOK!

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